Jill Harris Design | Squarespace Web Designer | SEO Copywriter UK

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10 Tips for Writing Quality Blog Posts 

When they say that content is king, what they mean is that QUALITY content is king.

No one has time to read SEO keyword stuffed waffle written by Chatgpt without any editing or human intervention.

Great content is a marketers’ dream. 

It can boost website traffic, keep your audience hooked, and even give your search engine rankings a nice bump. 

Your Squarespace website or blog needs constant updating - and the best way to do that is to write a blog. 

But if you find the idea of writing overwhelming-  here's the good news… writing well doesn't have to be a headache.

Here are ten simple tips to help you create top-notch content with ease.

1. Get to Know Your Audience

First things first: who are you talking to? 

Understanding your audience is like laying the foundation for a house - it's essential. 

Think about your ideal client. Maybe run some surveys, 

I find it helpful to create characters - or customer personas. Think about things like:

  • What do they want? 

  • Do they have children, dogs, an obsession with sci-fi?

  • What problems are they facing? 

  • How do they like their coffee? 

Once you've got a handle on this, you'll be able to create content that really speaks to them.

2. Map Out Your Content Strategy

Think of your content strategy as a map. 

Every post should be helpful to your readers. 

Ideally, it will answer a question your clients commonly ask.  I like to think of a big topic, and then plan a whole load of articles looking at it from different angles. This is known as a topic cluster, and Google loves it as much as your readers will.

Make a note about what your website goals are. Then you’ll be able to pop little breadcrumbs into your helpful and useful articles. 

Your website goals could be anything, such as:

  • More traffic - for affiliate links.

  • Lead generation - get people interested in your products or services.

  • Brand awareness.

  • A chance to book a holiday, rent a car, or book a coaching call with you.

  • Informative - you aim to create a loyal following of true fans who will buy your products when they come out. 

Once you've nailed down your goals, brainstorm some key topics and create a content calendar. 

This is where AI is really helpful. Brainstorming.

Plan 1-3 months ahead. There are plenty of great tools out there like Notion, Trello or Asana to keep you organised and on track.

Personally, I’m in love with Notion.

It’s a personal thing. In its simplest terms, you want to keep a record of what you’ve written, what you’re writing, and what you intend to write. You can just do that in a physical notebook with a cat on the front if that’s your thing.

Have fun. Experiment with different digital tools as well as stationary.

3. Craft Catchy Headlines

Your headline is your first impression - make it count! 

A compelling headline can be the difference between a click and a scroll-past. 

Try using power words, posing intriguing questions, or creating a sense of urgency. 

For example, "10 Secrets to Skyrocketing Your Website Traffic" is way more enticing than "How to Get More Traffic."

4. Write Content That Packs a Punch

Here's where the rubber meets the road. 

Your content needs to be informative, relevant, accurate, and valuable. 

To that end - Do Your Research, my friend. 

Of course it’s easier if you’re writing about something you know a lot about, but nevertheless - check everything out.

For example, I’ve been a professional commercial and creative writer, marketer, and educator for well over 10 years, but I still did some digging around to see what I wanted to say in this blog post. 

 If you can, offer unique insights. 

And throw in some practical advice. 

Storytelling is your secret weapon here - use anecdotes and real-life examples to make your content relatable and engaging. 

Your goal? 

Easy… keep your readers glued to the screen from start to finish.

Or at the very least - keep them as interested skimmers.

5. Find Your Voice and Stick to It

Consistency is key when it comes to building trust and brand identity. 

Develop a unique voice that reflects your brand's personality. 

  • Are you professional? 

  • Casual? 

  • A bit of a joker? 

Whatever it is, keep it consistent across all your content. 

Your brand voice is often your own voice if you’re a solopreneur or a small business. 

The best writing advice I ever had, whether it’s for creative writing or the more non-fiction commercial type, is this: 

Write how you talk. 

6. Don't Forget SEO

SEO might sound techy, but it matters if you want to  get eyeballs on  your content. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Start with keyword research to find out what your audience is searching for. Then, naturally weave these keywords into your content, headings, and meta descriptions. 

Don't forget about optimising images by including things like alt tags, and scatter relevant links around thoughtfully. 

It's like putting food out for search engines to follow.

7. Spice It Up with Visuals

A picture might be worth a thousand words, or sometimes a lot less -it really does depend on the picture. But anyway, they’re good.

Include some high-quality images, videos, infographics, and/or other visual elements if you feel they’ll add to the writing.

Not too much. They can make your content pop. Or they can make it overloaded. 

They can break up text, illustrate your points, and make complex information easier to digest. 

Or you can just use a really nice image at the top of your blog

Don't worry if you're not a design whiz - tools like Canva are amazing. The free version works for most people. 

8. Polish Your Work

Editing isn't just about catching typos (though that's important too!). It's about making sure your content is clear, coherent, and flows well. 

Take the time to review and revise your work. 

Tools like Grammarly can be a huge help, but don't underestimate the value of a human touch - consider asking a colleague for a fresh pair of eyes.

In the end, a few typos won’t matter if what you’re writing is thoughtful, helpful, and really giving your reader an answer to a question or talking about something they’re interested in.

9. Make It Easy on the Eyes

Let's face it, nobody likes to wade through a wall of text. 

Break up your content with headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. 

Use white space generously…

… it gives your readers' eyes a break. 

And don't be afraid to make key points stand out with bold or italicised text. 

The easier your content is to read, the more likely your audience will stick around.

10. Keep Learning and Improving

Here’s 2 things to remember:

  1. The more you write, the better you’ll get at it 

  2. Simple content strategy is the best. 

Don’t try and overthink it. Trust in your own ability to get your point.

You should have a pretty good idea about what your readers and future customers will be looking for. 

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, experiment with different types of content, and always be open to feedback. 

What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

Like a yogi, stay flexible. And keep refining your approach.

There you have it - ten simple tips to level up your content game. 

Creating quality content is a adventure, not a destination. It takes practice, patience, and a willingness to learn. 

But with these strategies in your toolkit, you're well on your way to creating content that not only attracts readers but keeps them coming back for more. 

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s time to get writing…

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