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7 blog post styles and how to use them

Blog posts matter

Regular writing - whether it’s short informational posts, updates about your products/services, or long-form articles is a really important element of all types of business websites.

But why?

Because any form of writing, blogging, or content production (even videos need to include a written transcript) gives you a chance to offer your potential client a platform.

A platform to regularly share relevant and valuable content with the audience.

Writing helps you connect to people

And it shows the algorithm that your site is a useful, live, online entity.

Writing, especially blogging, does this by helping businesses showcase their expertise, establish credibility, and build trust with potential customers.

Additionally, blogging contributes to improving the SEO or search engine visibility of your website. You write to engage your reader first. And with skill, you incorporate relevant keywords.

What have keywords ever done for me? I hear you cry.

They provide fresh content for indexing.

Which is like tapping on the doors of the web.

Writing gets you noticed

By consistently publishing blog posts, businesses can also drive traffic to their websites and increase engagement levels.

And that, ultimately, means more customers.

Organic traffic - or people surfing the internet - comes to you for one reason only.

It’s because people fine you… people you need to connect with.

People who are searching for, and interested in, what you have to say about your product or service.

Ultimately, blog posts play a vital role.

They’re the Starsky to your Hutch. If Hutch is your product or service.

Basically, a well-structured approach to blogging is marketing gold.

And once you know what you’re doing, you’ll find your blog posts glow-up your business's online presence.

And, over time, they help you attract a wider audience.

The 7 Main Styles of Blog Post

One: The Listicle

Listicles are blog posts that present information in a list format. Like this one…

Typically, they contain a numbered list of items or ideas related to a specific topic. Yup. Like this one!

Listicles are popular.


Because they’re easy to read, and give people what they’re looking for in bite-sized chunks.

They’re the snacks of blogging and are often linked to ‘How to…’ or informational blog posts.

Two: Cheat Sheet

Cheat sheets are concise summaries that provide quick reference guides on a particular subject.

Designed to offer essential information in a simplified and easy-to-understand format.

Cheat sheets are valuable resources for readers looking to grasp key points or details without taking on lengthy content.

Three: Newsgrab

Newsgrabs are blog posts that focus on summarising and commenting on recent news or events within a specific industry or field.

These posts aim to provide readers with a quick overview of the latest developments.

Don’t forget to include your own analysis and/or insights.

This isn’t just to keep people informed.

Include insights as to how the story relates to your business…

Newsgrabs are a great way of keeping your product or service current, relevant and interesting in people’s minds.

Four: How to…

How-to blog posts are brilliant.

They’re one of the most popular types of post on the internet - for good reason.

People are often using the net to find out how to do stuff.

A ‘how to post’ is an instructional guide.

Find out what questions your customers are asking online, and answer it in your how-to blogs.

Give step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish a particular task or solve a problem.

These posts are informative and practical, providing readers with actionable advice and clear explanations to help them achieve their goals.

Five: Numbers Talking

Numbers Talking blog posts use data and statistics to communicate key messages or insights.

For example - take these numbers below and see how many ideas they spark for further blog posts…

  • Around 97% of businesses use the internet for various purposes such as communication, marketing, and sales. [52 Ideas for blog posts that help your business marketing plan]

  • There are 400 million small businesses in the world… [Post idea: How to manage yOUR website on Squarespace.]

  • 70% of customers prefer blog posts over ads. [What are the 4 Ss of content writing? Structure, Style, Substance, and Strategy]

  • About 2.96 Million live websites use Squarespace…[Why Squarespace is good for small businesses, freelancers, and professionals?]

These posts involve analysing numerical information to support arguments, highlight trends, or draw conclusions.

Numbers Talking posts are persuasive and informative

They’re a great way to help out and educate readers through quantitative evidence.

Six: The Case Study

People love stories - and case studies are stories.

Stories of how you helped a client solve a problem

Okay, so they also an in-depth analyses of real-life examples or scenarios that demonstrate a particular concept, strategy, or solution in action.

Your business is there to help people.

If you sell bubbles, you help them have fun.

Talk to a client. Get their permission, and write about it.

If you’re a cafe, you create an experience centred around coffee, cake, and atmosphere.

Talk to a client. Get their permission, and write about it.

If you’re a financial coach, you change your clients’ relationship to money.

Once again, write about this. You don’t need many case studies, but try to have at least one on your site.

Go long. Write at least 2,000 words.

These blog posts showcase practical applications and outcomes, providing readers with detailed insights into specific situations and their results.

Explore story structure - and use it.

Seven: Infographic

Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge.

These blog posts use graphics, charts, and diagrams to convey complex concepts or statistics in a visually appealing and easily digestible manner.

Infographics are effective tools.

They provide contrast to some of your longer pieces of writing.

By simplifying a subject with concise language, you’ll show your own ability to break complex ideas into understandable content.

It shows you’re a good communicator.

Which is so important to your future clients or customers.

Secret Files Extra: The Ideas Blog…

Here’s an idea… or 15 or 108.

The Ideas blog post is a sparkling gem in your tiara of blog post choices.

People are always looking for ideas.

Help them out - and they will love you. And in the end, that’s what blogging is all about. Helping people who might like to buy your product or use your service somewhere down the line.

Am I right?

On this, yes… writing online is now, and probably will always be the Starsky to your Hutch.