Jill Harris Design | Squarespace Web Designer | SEO Copywriter UK

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The Complicated Truth About Blogging for Your Business

So, you've heard about the wonders of blogging for your business:

  •  increased visibility, 

  • better customer engagement, 

  • and brand building that'll make your competitors green with envy. 

Sounds amazing, right? In fact, if you’re an affiliate marketer, it can even be the foundation of your business and not just a marketing tool…

Well, it is but… hold onto your keyboards, because while blogging can be a game-changer, it's not always a walk in the park.

Let's face it: maintaining a blog can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. 

For beginners, it's easy to get overwhelmed faster than you can say “blogging platform???”

But don't worry.

After years of professional copywriting and blogging experience, I’m happy to guide you through the blogging jungle. Get ready to find out how to simplify the process and manage your business blog without losing your mind (or your hair).

Start with a Simple Strategy

Before you dive headfirst into the blogging pool, ask yourself: What do I want to achieve? 

Blogging is copywriting in essence, so think about whether you’re looking to:

  • boost brand awareness, 

  • generate leads, 

  • create bookings,

  • educate your customers? 

Pick your poison (or in this case, your goal) and stick to it.

Next up, choose your core topics. 

Think of these as your blog's bread and butter – the stuff you can write about till the cows come home. 

Stick to a few key areas related to your business, and you'll never run out of ideas.

Lastly, set a realistic posting schedule. 

And I mean realistic. If you're thinking, "I'll post every day!" – pump the brakes, friend. 

Even once a month is great to start. Plan to end up posting around 3-6 times a month once you’ve into the habit.

Remember, slow and steady wins the blogging race. 

Streamline Your Writing

Now, let's talk about making your life even easier. 

Ever heard of a content calendar? It's like setting up a crystal ball for your blog, helping you plan posts ahead of time and avoid those last-minute panic attacks. Plan your catchy blog titles a month or two ahead - and you’ll always know what you’re going to write. 

Google Calendar, Notion, or Trello can be your new best friends here. Personally, I’m a Notion nerd - but use whatever online platform you feel comfortable with and stick to it.

Here's a pro tip: batch content creation. 

Spend one day writing multiple posts, then schedule them in advance. It's like meal prepping, but for your blog.

And don't forget about repurposing content. 

That old post from last year? Give it a facelift, turn it into an infographic, or chop it up into bite-sized pieces. Waste not, want not.

Keep It Simple with Tools

Blogging doesn't have to be a tech nightmare. 

Choose user-friendly platforms like WordPress or Squarespace – they're the comfy slippers of the blogging world. 

For writing and editing, tools like Grammarly or Hemingway can be your personal editors (minus the red pen and judgmental looks).

And for those eye-catching visuals? Canva's got your back, making you look like a design pro even if you can't draw a straight line.

Focus on Consistency Over Perfection

Listen up, because this is important: don't get hung up on perfection. Your blog posts don't need to be Pulitzer-worthy. What matters is showing up consistently for your audience.

Sure, you’ll make mistakes. That’s fine.

We all have imperfections. Your early posts might make you cringe later, but that's okay.  It's all part of the journey.

Think of your blog as a fine wine – it gets better with age (& writing practice).

Simplify Promotion and Engagement

Promoting your blog doesn't have to eat up all your time. 

Automate your social media sharing with tools like Buffer or Hootsuite. Or just keep it simple.

Less is so much more…

My advice is just to limit your social media and make blogging your main marketing tool. It’s hard to focus on being prolific at both.

Send out your posts to one or two places your know your future customers will find them, and let the quality of your content do the talking for you.

Don't forget about good old email marketing.

A simple newsletter can work wonders for getting your blog in front of eager eyes.

And when it comes to engaging with your audience, set some boundaries. Allocate specific times for responding to comments.

Your sanity will thank you.

Avoid Overwhelm with a Minimalistic Approach

In the blogging world, it's easy to get distracted by shiny objects. But remember: focus on what truly matters – quality writing that creates connections with your readers.

Don't get bogged down in analysis paralysis.

Checking your Google analytics dashboard doesn’t have to become a frenzy of formulas and number-crunching.

Stick to a few key tools you're comfortable with.

You don't need every blogging gadget under the sun. And please, for the love of all things digital, set some boundaries.

Blogging isn’t there to suck the juice out of your life. It’s a part of your business you might even get to enjoy...

Learn and Adapt as You Go

  • Start small, my friend. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your blog marketing effects be. It will take time to see the uptick in visitors to your site as a result of your writing efforts - but it will happen. Begin with the basics and expand as you get more comfortable.

  • Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Every blogger has their fair share of facepalm moments. Use them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.

  • Stay flexible. What works for one business might not work for yours. Be ready to pivot and adapt your strategy as you figure out what resonates with your audience.

Because in the end, starting and maintaining a business blog doesn't have to be as complicated as quantum physics. 

By focusing on simplification and using a few essential strategies and tools, you can make blogging manageable, fun, and effective.

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab that keyboard, fire up that blogging platform, and start sharing your ideas, knowledge, and business style...

Remember, every blogging journey begins with a single post. Now go forth and blog.

P.S. If you're hungry for more, check out my book… Content Creation Mastery